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Using AWS Lambda with custom container image for Machine Learning inference

8 minute read


Using serverless offerings from cloud providers has many advantages like no provisioning and managing of servers and automatic scaling. But serverless functions also come with some limitiations like complicated deployment package management, limited package size and limited RAM. Especially if you want to use lambda functions for Machine Learning model inference, these limitations can be quite restrictive. AWS also recognized that so since December 2020 they extended their lambda offering by container image support. In this post I’ll describe my experiences using aws lambda with custom container images and describe the ups and downs of this approach.




How Data Science was used to optimize energy consumption of transalpine oil pipeline


In this talk, I give some insights about a Data Science project I did at TAL Group. TAG Group is a pipeline operator that transports crude oil from the Mediteranean Sea all over the alps to different rafineries in Austria, Germany and Czech Republic. Therefore many pumps are operating all along the pipeline and in this project we identified inefficies and its root causes using Machine Learning.

Making Sense out of Sensor Data - Data Science at TAL-Group


In this talk, I give some insights about a Data Science project I did at TAL Group. TAG Group is a pipeline operator that transports crude oil from the Mediteranean Sea all over the alps to different rafineries in Austria, Germany and Czech Republic. Therefore many pumps are operating all along the pipeline and in this project we identified inefficies and its root causes using Machine Learning.

Kurz KI an der Pipeline


In this podcast, I give some insights about a Data Science project I did at TAL Group. TAG Group is a pipeline operator that transports crude oil from the Mediteranean Sea all over the alps to different rafineries in Austria, Germany and Czech Republic. Therefore many pumps are operating all along the pipeline and in this project we identified inefficies and its root causes using Machine Learning.

Data Science - Der Weg vom Sensor in die Cloud bis hin zur Endanwendung


In this talk at VDI conference, I describe different views on Data and Data Science depending if you are a plant operators or a plant manufacturer. Furthermore, I give some insights about IT Infrastructure that brings sensor data from machines into the cloud in order to provide data driven services. Finally, I show my view on how Data Science is evolving in copounding technologies.

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Praxisbericht: ML Ops für Condition-Monitoring Anwendungen


In this talk I worked out some talkeaways regarding MLOPS from one of our customer projects: Firstly, a clear understanding of the importance of MLOps for the long-term operation of machine learning models. Secondly, I gave Insight into which problems AWS Sagemaker can and cannot solve (model registry, multi-model endpoints, serverless endpoints,…). Finally, I conveyed an understanding of a service architecture that promotes seamless collaboration between data science and operations teams.

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Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.

Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.